Managed Off-Site Backup Services
Full Auto Pilot: We set you up, meticulously go through every file or folder you need protected, monitor systems daily, and are there in the event you need help with restoring data.
Cost Effective: No capital expenditure required. There are no setup costs of any kind, no additional costs for monitoring and adjusting backups as needed, and no costs if you need assistance restoring data. Everything from start to finish into an affordable, monthly operating rate, competitive with other business grade off-site backup companies UNMANAGED products.
World Class Datacenters: Because why have your data stored anywhere else? We work with both Google Enterprise and Microsoft Azure to provide you storage facilities that set the standard for everyone else to follow in terms of reliability, redundancy, security, etc... Google Datacenters are themselves rated at 99.999999999% durability, with multiple geographically distinct locations and automatic checksums to consistently ensure data integrity. And if that wasn’t enough, we simultaneously send data to a secondary archival datacenter, as well as a local backup if you choose.
Encryption and Security: All data is encrypted using AES 256. However if you have a preference on utilizing a different encryption standard or level, we also offer 15 other variants ranging from DES to RC2 to 3DES.
Versioning and Archiving: Our software allows the ability to version your files “X” number of times. If something happens to your most recent document and its saved and backed up, you can go back to a prior version, with as many versions as you specify. We also incorporate an archival system that keeps your files stored for however many days you require. Regardless if they get deleted on your system, they can remain backed up indefinitely.
Full protection against crypto-virus variants: Do to our versioning ability, even if the worst viruses imaginable attack and corrupt your files, and even if those files then get backed up, the versioning system allows prior versions to be restored, before the virus ever hit.
Block level backups: We value your internet connection. Block level backups allow for backing up only the changed portion of large database files. Instead of backing up that 10GB file every day over and over again, we can effectively backup just a tiny fraction each consecutive run, saving valuable time and your internet resources.
Google Apps/Office 365: Do you use Google Apps or Office 365 cloud email/drive systems for your business? Do you ever back them up? Just because they are IN the cloud does not mean they are unaffected by viruses or mistake deletions! They are only sync systems. We have modules to back these up as well. Straight from cloud to cloud.
Light software: Our software just does what you need it to do. Nothing else. No resource hogging, no instability if the backup sizes get large, just clean efficient backups and restores. Compatible with Windows Server 2003/2008/2008R2/2012/2012R2, Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS, and soon rolling out Linux variants.
Trial period: We offer one free license to you for 30 days, complete with initial setup, full backup, full restore capabilities. Not impressed with what it can offer? No strings.
Managed offsite backup
(per machine license)*. 10% off / 10 license
1. 250GB $30/mo
2. 1000GB $50/mo
3. 3000GB $125/mo
4. 6000GB $225/mo
5. 12000GB $425/mo $0.035 per GB!
...still need more? Call us!
* One license per machine, however that one machine does have ability to backup network shares attached to it.
** You pick the redundancy level. For example with a 1000GB license, you can split 500gb/500gb between 2 separate cloud datacenters for our recommended 2-stage ensured backup program of geo-diversity and archiving. Or just use the full amount going to our primary redundant datacenter.